does anybody know a good v4 osc tutorial? i want to connect v4 with ni reaktor but it won’t work and now i feel a little bit dump. what i want to do is to trigger samples in reaktor from v4 but i absolutely don’t know how to setup this osc thing.
actually there is not much more to know than there is in the OSCEncoders helppatch. have you seen it?
what you need to know:
your receivers ip-address
your receivers port
both to be configured on the UDP (Network Client) node
your receivers osc-address starting with a /
your messages typetag: s for string, i for integer, f for float
your messages arguments: needs to be a spread of strings. if you want to send integers or floats convert them to strings first with FormatValue (String)
does reactor understand osc-bundles? (i guess so) then leave the “SpreadAsBundle” pin at 1, else set it to 0.
all to be configured on the OSCEncoder node that connects to the UDP node.