Hi folks!
We have a project at our university, where we want to create a kind of light-installation.
For that we are tracking walking people and use their coordinates for our visualization. (like in the pic below)
But now to the problem.
We need to use the MetaballSpreaded shader with some special functions, but no one of us has any knowledge in shader programming.
Thinks the shader should be able to do:
- position input separated from the color input
- spreadable color input (every person has their own color)
- last but not least: when 2 ore more balls are connected the colors should mix in a right behavior (eg: red + blue = purple)
Hopefully someone can help us.
Ps: a friend of us allready tried his luck with the shader but it still isn`t exeactly what we want. His version of the shader is attached.
thanks a lot
changed shader and demo file (4.7 kB)