NDI in stride

Is there a way to have NDI recieve output in Stride texture ?
I see there’s RecieverTexture node but I have no idea how to use its output Oservable !
Normal Reciever with SkiaTexture is not an option because I’m on a AMD card machine and it does not work.
Thanks !


until there is no native NDI texture receiver (which would be really nice to have - i just don’t have time to look into this right now), you can do this:

hope this works for you!

ps: i just read on the matrix that you actually want to share this texture to vvvv beta - maybe you want to have a look at Spout to NDI as well.

thanks @motzi ! yes I tried Sout to NDI before but SpoutSenderName is very glitchy, not only in vvvv but also in demo app it doesn’t always detect all the Spout signals.
I’ll try your suggestion, thank you !

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