I’m a new vvvv user, and I try to use the Database node in order to control a solenoide by a php web page.
I try to make something like that :
On clic to a button in the web page → It change a value in a database → Then I upload this value in vvvv thanks to the Database node → And finally I control my solenoid with an arduino.
I dont understand why but I cant connect the Database node to my database, I fill the pin one with my server name, the port pin : 3306, the third pin : my database name and , then my username and my password. An finally I connect the node.
Is there something else to do?
Or do you now an other way to realise this project?
hi , thanks tonfilm , i tried the web interface already but i can make it to work ,
i basicly need to get a value from the website to vvvv , what is the best way to do that
i can not understand the patch sorry ,
while chatting with rogerlette to find his problem,
we found out that @david wonderful webinterface seems to collide with SKYPE.
quote from chat:
try the following:
*really,really quit skype (rightclick that green V in the your taskbar)
*restart vvvv
*create a Renderer (TTY)
*start the WebInterface helppatch.
*look for the messages in the Renderer (TTY)
while running skype i noticed
00:00:23 - : Could not bind Socket on Port: 80