Hey! Can anybody tell me what the current state of gesture recognition (pan, pinch&zoom, swipe etc…) in Gamma is? I just found this blog post by woei about the topic and found all these nodes also in the latest Gamma version, but could not really figure out how to use them. Would be happy about any pointers!
Help browser > skia > multitouch
Talking about multi-touch GESTURES here and the gesture nodes that are already in gamma!
Also strange: The help patch mentioned by @antokhio is named “MultiTouch”, but is only able to process a single touch…
i’m afraid gestures don’t yet work in vvvv gamma. the GestureState node at this point only works when used in VL via vvvv beta.
Indeed. this will be fixed for > 2021.3.1. meanwhile you can simply replace the Console and MouseState nodes in the patch.with the new Touch node to make it work.
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