Multiple Space Mouse

Hi vvvvorum,
anyone tryed to connect multiple Space Mouse from 3D Connexion to 1 PC? I would like to connect 3 usb devices to the same PC. I notice that SpaceMouse (Devices) from the addonpack has spreadable outputs but I don’t know if it can manage multiple devices.

Any suggestions?

Just gave it a try with 2 Space Mice. It doesn’t seem to be spreadable. The spacemouse node recognises both, but you move the same values. So basically both do the same, like 2 mice moving one mouse cursor.

Also in the description of the node it says you can only have one instance of the node.

So unfortunately doesn’t seem like its possible.

try using SpaceMouse (HID) from mp.essentials ;)
I didn’t make that node spreadable in mind but you can select the device individually

Oh, never noticed there was another one, because I already use a lot of the mp.essentials stuff. Its one of the default packs I always install ;)

Just tried it and yes, the node itself doesn’t seem to be spreadable, but you can just put 2 next to each other and select the device.

The space mouse receiver has up to 8 devices it supports, so it does totally seem possible to have up to 8 space mice.

Just tried 2 of the wireless space mice and its working fine to have both separate with the mp.essential node. Sweet.

ps: I still like the original spacemouse node though, since you DONT have to select the device making it much easier to have the same patch run on different machines which have a space mouse. With the mp.essential node you will probably have to select the device manually on every machine.

What a great news! Do you think it works also with the SpaceMouse Compact with 3 USB cables?

I cannot try that, since I only have one of the old ones and 3 of the wireless (they are great). But I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t work. I think the protocoll that is used by the spacemouse is pretty much the same in all the versions.

Thanks guys! I’ll report here when I’ll have more SpaceMouse for the upcoming project.

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