Multiple dx9 renderers on one screen + optimus

ok, one more try.

this issue has been marked as solved and handed forward to the next thread since quite some time now. (maybe to polish the annual vvvv-statisctics a bit ? ;) but somehow this remains unsolved for me:

my system is Windows 7 on an optimus equipped laptop. v4 version 31.2.
as soon as I use more than one DX9 renderers in windowed mode on one screen, the output of both renderers is scrambled (flickering + weird display glitches).

this issue does not occur on my non-optimus equipped laptop, so I suppose it is related to nvidia optimus.

I tried several options in the optimus settings panel. The issue does not occur as soon as V4 is forced to use the onboard HD graphic chip, which obviously is not a good solution. All other settings do not seem to influence the issue.

  • dx11 renderers do work as expected.
  • moving one of the non-working dx9 renderers to an external display the output is working as expected.

can anybody reproduce this?

MultipleRenderersBugDemo.v4p (4.6 kB)

nobody has this? ? ? weird…

a forums search will reveal quite some results… ;)
for example this: Multi Render trouble - bug - Forum

I also still have a similar problem. As soon as 2 renderers are open framerate drops below 30, with three anf our below 8. Haven’t found a solution. Gave it up, and bought a different laptop. But in future I think i won’t be easy to find one without optimus / enduro.

@ tf: a forum search on this topic will actually reveal even more results, non of which lead to an actual solution.

As I said: this topic has been reported by unhappy users several times, for a while now, always being handed forward to other threads which always end either in being linked to an other thread or in simple resignation.

That’s exactly why I opened this thread.

I guess about 95% of all new (non-Apple) laptops come with Optimus. This topic can not be forwarded forever, or can it? ;)

I believe there was a shout about an nvidia tool. That worked for us. But I can’t find it. Does anyone remember the link to that tool?

@sunep: are you referring to this Optimus Test Tool? ?

It allows to understand which graphics card is running at the moment but actually only helps to identify the problem, not solving it.

the problem can be solved by setting the dedicated graphics card as the system wide standard graphic chip. This way nothing runs on the onboard chip and it all works fine. but this solution is bad because it produces a lot of unnecessary heat and fan noise. In my experience you can not avoid it as long as there are other applications (aka windows) running with the onboard chip.

The problem does not appear with the DX11 renderer.

I talk about the framedrop issue. The ‘broken graphics’ issue was solved for me with enabling windows aero.

how you do that?