Multi touch windows 7 and vvvv


I’m looking for help with Win7 and multitouch computer

(dell inspiron one 2310) and vvvv. I would like make an interactive infoviz. and for that I would need to drag some quads in the render window with my finger.
1- multi touch gestures: I could not find anything in vvvv for something like that… Does exist some solutions ?
2- touch down problem. it seems that the mouse node is registering a move from my finger only if I drag or on touch up; but I need on touch down. what I mean: If I have a quad with position linked to either mouse or render window x and y coord. the quad moves under my thumb only when I raise the finger from the screen or when I drag. but I would like to see it under my finger when I touch the screen

Can somebody help me ???

@vux´s NextWindow Touch Plugin might help, get it here:

Sorry, I forgot to mention, I tried also the nextWindow and I don’t get it to work. I have no ideea why not

so, nothing happens with the nextwindow plugin. other ideeas ?

nextwindow should actually work (at least it does here), but you could also try one of the wm_touch to tuio bridges from the tuio homepage and use tuio nodes in vvvv.

hi. try it with HID (device) node…

the hid node did the trick. thanks.