I am currently using a Kinect to track X, Y & Z hand motions and using that to control a rope in Vvvv.
I have a linear spread on the X-Axis and a circular spread on the Y-Axis, with 100 slices each; to make a sine wave.
I have my hand movements controlling the positions of the first and last slice, but the other 98 in between remain static.
Is there a way I can change the value of each slice in proportion to the value of the first and last slices.
I want to get an effect that there is a sine wave between the hands, with the size of the sine moving in proportion to the hand movements.
If anyone can assist with this then I’d really appreciate it.
I have uploaded the patch and put IO box with Left XYZ & Right XYZ in place of where the Kinect data will come in.
I managed to get the Z-axis with the Select(Value) node but I still can’t figure out how to change individual Pitch, Yaw & Roll values for the beginning/end points of the wave, so it alters it.
I’m using B-Spline Helper Texture output for the line as it gives me a good and smooth 3D view unlike the Quad or Line.