i cannot get kalle’s mirroring tool to work, i presume i dont get the path format for destination.
i want to clone c:/myproject to destination c:/myproject on several ips.
what is the right syntax ? “c:/myproject” does not work …
i assume that in the following post joreg will recommend you to use the RemoterSA instead…
anyway to be precise:
it’s not my tool at all;
my module(s) only call an external program via ShellExecute (Windows) . luckily the developer of that tool allowed me to distribute/share that .exe here.
i never experienced any problems with the mirror.exe; so i assume it is either
- a path issue.
+or - a “permissions” issue.
so please let me know:
are you able to write a file to that network location “by hand” using windows explorer?
if yes:
which version of the module are you using?
- Mirror (File Folder)
+or - Mirror (File Folder Network)