i need to access midi system realtime messages coming in to vvvv.
(in case you wonder why. i have an external beat matcher that chucks out bpm, start/stop etc.)
i know what i need to receive, just not sure how to get it.
eg. i need to get at the midi data for ‘continue’
midi ‘continue’ = FB = 11111011 = 251
i am presuming, therefore, that it would come under the heading of ‘midi program’ and i would use the ‘MidiProgram (Devices)’ node.
this is where i get confused, as on the ‘MidiProgram (Devices)’ node i can only select midi channel and buffer length.
does buffer length refer to the length of the binary number received?
could someone point me in the right direction here?
i am not sure if it is possible what you’re trying to do. vvvv is yet missing a generic midi-input node. why’d you presume that your message should come via MidiProgram (Devices)
the buffer length on the midi input nodes is not related to your problem. it is actually a framebuffer of incoming messages. if midimessages are coming faster than vvvv can handle them you can queue them with that buffer length.
“the buffer length on the midi input nodes… is actually a framebuffer of incoming messages.” - that is what i had originally thought, but then wasn’t so sure.
i presumed that these inputs would come under the MidiProgram (Device) because they are SysX messages rather than Control change messages, and in my mind have always thought of them as ‘program messages’.
i am basing my assumptions of being able to access these on the simple fact that the MidiClock and MidiTimecode device nodes seem to be interpreting these signals. but as those nodes aren’t available to look at it can’t tell for sure.
eg. the MidiClock could be receiving the midi ‘Timing clock’ message ( F8 = 11111000 = 248 ), which sends 24 times per quarter note (96 times per beat).
@ Tonfilm. Thanks, guess i might have to wait for the update.
My beat matcher is a fixed unit ‘Red Sound - Micro sync’. It throws out MidiClock, but is not sent on a midi channel, so i can’t seem to pick it up in VVVV. Any tips?
@ksp, like west said, it should be no problem to receive midi clock… check the midi port, enable the node and make sure no other software is using this midi port.
@tonfilm. i have just tried the midiclock node again and found where i went wrong. can now get it to work. (i still need the sysex, but this will do me for now). thanks.