Ok, heres what I am trying to do…
I have a Mixman DM2 which has 8 buttons on each scratch ring.
I have/want 8 clips assigned to each (easy enough)
Using an 8 input switch node I want each to activate a different clip? Can I spread the midi notes node? or the switch?? ( I am getting more confused the later it gets)
What is the best way, I have lots of toggle switches at the mo and its not elegant…
Thanks in advance.
Ok, heres what I am trying to do…
I have a Mixman DM2 which has 8 buttons on each scratch ring.
I have/want 8 clips assigned to each (easy enough)
Using an 8 input switch node I want each to activate a different clip? Can I spread the midi notes node? or the switch?? ( I am getting more confused the later it gets)
What is the best way, I have lots of toggle switches at the mo and its not elegant…
Thanks in advance.
Ok, Ok,
Now I have found multi flip flop node.
Christ, 1 year using this soft and Ive discovered so many nodes I didn’t look at before. Think this may work!!