being a complete but impressed newbie to vvvv, i just didn’t manage to get midi stuff to work. didn’t find any documentation or help files too. so my question is simply: how do i route midi notein or controller values to vvvv-nodes.
of course i tried the “midi-note” node but that didn’t seem to output anything. midi devices are ok, as i have tested them with PD.
what would be the general approach to receive and/or send midi values in vvvv ?
actually some similar info about midicontrollers is in the faq. see HowTo MIDI. embrace&extend :) hmm. but we somehow seem to have left the midi help files out. ill log this as a bug
midi ox is a great tool for troubleshooting midi input
in attachment i have a patch that gets midi output from a Boss GT-3 guitar fx pedal board. it doesnt recognize notes though, only program changes. you can tinker with the upper pins.
have you allready noticed that the input channel of vvvv is input channel of midiox -1!!! means if midiox shows input on channel 1 you have to use channel 0 in vvvv. i also searched a long time for that :-)
yea, i noticed that the channels are 0 through 15 but still can’t get any difference on the output, my controllers has like 32 faders and I’m not even sure which one I should be monitoring, is there a way like to see if there is any input from anything in a given controller?
I’m happy!!! finally I got it to output something, I was using someone’s midihelp.v4p example and he used a midiNote, after tried almost anything I could think of changed for midiController and it worked just fine :D all 6 Knobs and 32 faders and even my wheel work Yay!! I’m happy as a cow!!