I’m really sorry for interrupt. But I have a request, and i hope so you can help me.
The thing is i’m a student of Informational Technology, and now i have a project in MevisLab. The topic of this project is Virtual Bronchoscopy Trainer. But my request is only to visualize the lung and manipulator in thr MevisLab. I also have a picture the visualization I need.
Maybe you or anyone else, who you possibly know, can help me? Of course, this work is not nothing.
In our world there a few people who knows MevisLab. And it was really hard to find you. Sorry again and I’m looking forward to your answer.
With respect,
Yana Pavlovskaya
hei janicka,
it seems you’ve come to the wrong forum. looks like mevislab have their own: MeVisLab: Community
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