I’m trying to make a simple patch with a number of balls bouncing from each other (including one controlled by the mouse XY) and renderer boundaries. To perform a bounce from renderer window I wanted to use Map (Value) node (Source -1…1, Desitnation -1…1, mode - mirror). But after performing mapping on affected objects and returning all results back with FrameDelay node they tend to move to the 0;0 position.
What could be wrong with Map (Value) node settings?
a s+h at some point. Imho, the balls get the new position that for some reason, at some point goes near 0,0 instead of the expect behavior.
to have a look at values fed to map, which are far beyond the -1,1 range, as, for what I can see, they roughly go from -20,20
to adjust destination values to something like -5,5 probably because here objects are scaled before being translated
Map works like this: Input is the value that should be transformed or mapped into another; Source Minimum and Source Maximum are respectively the lower and higher values that are passed to Input; Destination Minimum and Destination Maximum are respectively the lower and higher values into which Input must change or be transformed or mapped into
you could first add a framedelay below R < Newposix (id:380) and remove the other one
hm… still no luck. I’ve checked patch again and found some sorting errors that could cause balls moving to 0,0 (so, I guess, there’s no need for S+H). Also I’ve got rid of large values fed to map (right now it can’t be more than 1+2xballsize).
I don’t really get in Map node working principle. Desired mapping behaviour is to mirror X and Y values, that out of range (-1…+1) back separately. For example if colliding result produces (+0.5;-1.5) coordinates, Map node should convert it to (+0,5;-0,5). When I connect it to IObox it works excactly like this with same settings, but causes unexpected behaviour while in a loop.
Thank you for explanation! Finally got things done (animation is bit messy, but it’s ok for my purpose). My mistake was’nt in Map node (it worked excactly as I thought) but in some vector math before.