Hallo I am trying to map a laser on a curved surface (half a cylinder) from an arbitrary position. I guess I can go the mesh intersection way (microdevil intersect) or a pure mathematical way, anyway I am lost on both. Would that be a projector I know how to set up a Projector node or to trick something out deforming a mesh in 2D, with laser I need to map values and not a texture, any hint there is welcome.
You can multiply 3d vector (* (3d vector)) with view projection of your Projector… not sure if it has to be Inverse… anyways the depth test is pretty nasty one…
aja that makes sense, I did something similar with Homography to map the laser on a flat surface and it worked, but where is the hitting surface taken into account there?
No there is no, depth test… and hard to tell without an screenshot what do you expect to get, and what is source data you use…
As for a depth test, i think you could do some sort of fake 3d scene, align it with your projector, get depth info from it with DepthPipet, and use that data as select on your vertices…
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