Low performance with gtx860m

I"ve had old laptop with gen 1 i7 cpu and amd 5850gpu.
Switched to msi gs60 with I5-4200H cpu and gtx860m gpu.
Over performance is lower on new computer.
OS is windows 8.1. Is there anything i can do to improve performance?
Thank you.

probably some optimus problem, get the latest nvidia drivers and set vvvv to use high performance GPU.

and consider upgrading to win10, it is a lot less annoying than win 8.1

no :)

@bjoern I like win10

as sune said, either right click on vvvv and select run with NVIDIA GPU or go into nvidia setting → 3D settings and assign the NVIDIA GPU permanently to vvvv.exe.

is the performance problem better, when opening a DX11 Render-Window? I experienced that with optimus.


On MSI check this pls New laptop - massive fps drop with more than one dx11 renderer open - #15 by TremensS - question - Forum
there is MSI bloatware destroying the perfomance make sure it’s removed