Anyone recommend a midi controller for me?
I’m currently using a bcr2000, which I like for the endless knobs and midi out to keep them in sync with mouse moved controls, but its physically a bit big, and Im trying to streamline somewhat for airtravel!
Ideally I’d like the endless knobs, but only 16, in a small box, anyone know of one?
Killamix looks lovely, but with a price tag to match its looks…
Doepfer does seem to be sold out, shame!
THere used to be loads of small midi controllers, they seem to have been superceded!
jlcooper products can be found from time to time on e-bay…
got a fader master pro that is not at all of any weight…
or you can build your own with a Interface Z Midi card, prices down the page.
itrs very easy, and you have a lot of choice:
28 voies : 12 ana ( CC) / 16 num (On/off)
16 voies : 8 ana / 8 num
12 voies : 4 ana / 8 num
maybe it can feet your needs of a perfect midi tool ? ;-)
cat, amongst musicians in the electronic domain the faderfox series is well known for VFM hardware that is well thought out with most common uses in mind, and being well respected for their rugged gear too.
cat, re our skype chat yesterday, i just found out that the Nocturn is not a standalone midi device, i.e. the automap universal software has to run to translate into proper midi signals.
source: the very end of and some german reviews…
maybe i’ll find a way sometime to get automap to talk to vvvv, then that point is moot, anyways, but i don’t think it will happen soon :-(
Anyone recommend a midi controller for me?
I’m currently using a bcr2000, which I like for the endless knobs and midi out to keep them in sync with mouse moved controls, but its physically a bit big, and Im trying to streamline somewhat for airtravel!
Ideally I’d like the endless knobs, but only 16, in a small box, anyone know of one?
I don’t know whether the novation remote sl compact is too big for you.
Just writing to recommend it. The built in LCD can be written to with sysex messages and the variety of controls is unmatched for the price.
it’s got a bit of a learning curve if you want to write to the LCD and led’s but i’ve found it’s so far fitted all my various requirements
The built in LCD can be written to with sysex messages…
care to share details about this? it seems reasonable that i can do this with my remote zero sl, too…
it seems to crash vvvv if you send a sysex message before doing anything else with midi. so before you use this patch, make sure to use another midi node first (like midicontroller)