Hi All
I have on several occasions wanted to make a log file.
I would like several parts of my patches to write to this log file.
I have been thinking about using S and R nodes, but using those I can only send from one place.
I have been thinking about using shared memory or some kind of UDP and then just sending to Localhost. But I am uncertain about concurrency and how each case will handle that and besides that performance.
How do you make such logs, the current way I have found is to just have a little sub patch using writer (File) and then just have several instances of that around and write into the same file. It works, but I feel that it should be possible to do that with just one instance of the patch that writes to the log file.
I think I remember a thread where it was stated that in beta22 the tty renderer would be able to output as string… perhaps it could be possible to have a print command like the print in max/msp that print the inputted text in the max window. the vvvv print command would then print in the tty renderer.
Just some thoughts that I have been wondering about for some time now and I am pretty sure I am not the only one with that need so if you have solved that one, I am curious how.