This may be something simple, at least the first part may, but please bare with me.
How do you go about loading images into vvvv for use in a composition? Then, how would I go about manipulating that image with a grid, kind of like the Photoshop Liquify tool?
Basically, I want an image of a grass blade and I want to make it look like it is bending.
One tricky way to simulate bending grass, leafs … is to use a volumetric shader ( there is one on the shader section from Sanch)
After all is you want to do it without a shader you need to use a grid with a gouraud directionnal for example and split the vertex shader in order to manipulate XYZ from your grid.
That means Grid-> Mesh Split → Vertex Split → Vertex Join → Mesh Join → gouraud Directionnal.
You can manipulate the XYZ between Vertex Split and Join.
See the Fluid dynamic Sphere for ex into the GirlPower folder.There is a example of spliting vertex