1) Timeline
What we’ve mostly understood by now is that different use-cases have different timeline or cueing needs. Can we identify recurring scenarios and work towards a modular set of nodes to build custom timelines quickly?
1) Timeline
What we’ve mostly understood by now is that different use-cases have different timeline or cueing needs. Can we identify recurring scenarios and work towards a modular set of nodes to build custom timelines quickly?
I have been messing around with timelines and sequencers for quite some time now and have tried to bend what is currently available to my needs, so far without good success.
My use cases are:
this means that the requirements are:
A recorder
A time line editor, that can edit the time line
ideally, I could trigger a recording while editing. Meaning that I can drag keyframes around one moment, then enable record in the middle of that and record the tricky 10 seconds in the middle with a tactile controller and then continue editing both the freshly recorded part and also the following non-played part.
it also needs to be able to play back correctly in increment mode
Ideally it would work with audio as well.
Parameter Matrix/patch bay
When I have a complex setup, I always find myself adding what feels like too much mess with some custom modules, that I think shouldn’t be necessary.
I think an easier way to assign parameters would be cool.
I am thinking a bit like Kontrolleur, but different.
Imagine that in the inspector for an IObox you could assign it to “the Matrix” and in the “Matrix editor” it would show up as a source or a destination depending on whether it was an input or an output.
(a cool feature would be a little “jump to subpatch” funktion, so from within the matrix, you can jump to where the parameter is going to or coming from)
When you have multiple of these sources and destinations, you could tick of how you wanted it to be routed, a bit like the Dante controller does it with audio streams.
This way you would have a simple way with a minimum of patching where you could expose and route parameters.
And making an OSC module that spits the selected parameters out over eg. OSC would be pretty simple to make from there.
This way you would not need to make any nodes to expose parameters, perhaps they could get a different color, like the inspector that made the IOboxes green as far as I recall.
It is a bit like @velcromes vvvv-message, but simpler to use, I find it too complex and I feel that this kind of functionality should be built in for the easiest use.
Stepsequencers should also be possible, but that shouldn’t be too complicated to do.
Time line events, start stop pause etc.
This way you can easier do more theatrical stuff.
Nested timelines
In the olden days I used dataton trax and you could trigger other timelines from within the the timeline
Cue Lists
I have made my own cue systems a couple of times, but having the option of having a list of cues, with next commands and such would be super nice.
One day I’ll finish my timeline GUI. It doesnt solve all your points, it records presets that you can sequence, and record into a timeline rather than parameters and curves, which is lighter weight than a chanbnel for every exposed parameter. I have patches with several hundered exposed parameters soan afx timeline, would be quite a lot of effort!
@catweasel nested folder channels would make the problem with hundreds of parameters smaller.
This is how the presets work per subpatch, but you can not snapshot all the channels for example but just 1 or 2, fade times being per parameter, with tween shape, rather than in the timeline, so you can recall them as cues and have the fade. Its more lighting desk like than timeline per se, but cues structure in a timeline. I have had nested timelines, and cueable timelines in there too, but they’re out until I’ve restructured the main thing. I’ve been saying I’ll release it in a month or 2 for the past couple of years unfortunatly, and then VL… Which has slowed down progress again, despite much help from Joreg
Kairos will be at LINK with all its problematics and solutions.
First session at LINK on Thursday (09.08.2018)
- Name
- Spread<Track>
- Name
- Spread<Keyframe>
- Keyframe
- Position
- Interpolation_M
- Type (Function)
- In Handler
- Out Handler
- Item
- Name
- Spread<Parameter>
- Parameter
- Id
- Spread<Clip>
- Clip
- Name
- Spread<Keyframe>
- Keyframe
- Position
- Interpolation model
- Item
“Reality is not a timeline” - dottore
“A keyframe is a portal to another dimension” - dottore
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