I suppose the blurring could be a gaussian blur with an alpha map. Would it be easy to make a shader that would also shift the red and blue channels like seems to be happening above?
I was trying this out the other day, had some luck with the Technicolor shader but it’s not quite suited to the task. Another important part of that effect is the kind-of radial/lens effect on the colour shift, where the displacement gets more extreme towards the edges. Also the bloom/blur combo helps alot.
If you find any methods that work nicely, be sure to post them! I’d really appreciate it.
Are you shifting one colour channel left and the other right?
I’m using a spherical (fisheye) camera setup a lot at the moment and I think in this kind of lens one channel would shift ‘out’ and the other ‘in’. Would it be hard for you to add this functionality to the shader? I imagine all you would need to do would be scale the channels rather than ‘shift’ or translate.