Windows 7 (64-bit), latest version of VVVV, OpenNI (32-bit) installed, PrimeSense Sensor installed, ASUS Xtion PRO depth camera connected by USB (and working fine when tested with NiViewer.exe) - but VVVV Kinetic node shows blank on driver pin (at bottom right, as shown). Node is therefore not working. Can anyone suggest a solution, please? Thanks.
screenshot mentioned in this post:
tooltip should read 'Driver: ’
i.e. Name of pin is Driver, but no string is shown.
The same result occurs with other nodes added downstream (e.g. RGB, etc).
OP is a workshop participant
hei, the kinect page states:
The current version of the OpenNI plugins was tested to run with:
OpenNI (32bit, stable, redist edition) NITE (32bit, stable, redist edition) SensorKinect091 (32bit)
so that should be the problem.