I just bought kinect sensor (USB / power supply), I followed the instructions tried as many combination was possible but without any result.
Machine specs: win 7, 64-bit , vvvv 27.2
last OPENNI drivers :
lately I tried to upgrade the Firmware with last ver. of Asus xtion but without any luck.
do you see primesens sensor in windows configuration pannel ? have you tried ms drivers maybe ? be sure that kinect drivers are correctly involved (if you have installed openni drivers thanks to berkel or zigfu it must be a problem of drivers links).
I realized that it depends (less or more) from your system (32 or 64) , so the solution for our 64bit machine was the same as mentioned by @tsou)) (brekel-all.in.one), for my 32bit laptop was to install from the beggining the newest drivers http://www.openni.org/Downloads/OpenNIModules.aspx as I found them in the list of ((forum:the-kinect-thread.
nothing is working neither OpenNI manual installation nor brekel.
Strange thing about that: i had already successfully connected my kinect to the Computer before with OpenNI.
But after a while of not using the camera its not working anymore and i changed nothing!
The System detects the kinect (even if i think the drivers do not get installed proper or maybe not all…!?) but VVVV and ReconstructMe do not and throw exceptions.
So i deleted OpenNI and installed Win SDK → works out of the box with VVVV and ReconstructMe.
Kinect works with OpenNI on another Computer.
Its very strange because i really did not change anything…
Kinect works with the MS drivers. If I install the openNI drivers as written in the the kinect documentation Kinect (Devices OpenNI) tells me “Unable to connect to Device!”. I tryed to install another version of SensorKinect, also with Brekel package: in this case Kinect (Devices OpenNI) tells me nothing.
Is there someone that uses Kinect with openNI drivers and b27.2?
I do, but as I mentioned before both solutions-on different machines-worked for me. I recommend as many on this topic to uninstall completely the drivers, check your device manager again (that everything has been removed) and re-install them. Another way to test if drivers were succesfully installed is to try them via OSCeleton, worked for me.
It’s a problem with the drivers because if I install the Development Edition and I launch a demo appears the same error: “Can’t create any node of the requested type!”
I finally fixed the problem: I created a new licenses.xml file with the same content of the original file and I overwrited it in the “Data” folder, inside the OpenNI installation folder.
Now all works with the OpenNI drivers that are listed in the kinect documentation.
SensorKinect091-Bin-Win32-v5.1.0.25 is attached in the previous post by @obernardoo.
for me kinect works finally (on winxp, v4beta28.1) with the following drivers:
SensorKinect091-Bin-Win32-v5.1.0.25 which is attached in the previous post by obernardoo
(with “SensorKinect093-Bin-Win32-v5.1.2.1” it never worked. the kinect node could not detect/connect to the camera)
i did not create/change the licenses.xml file (as written in the previous post from Alec).
was no need to do that.