Kinect - simple point cloud

Hi people,

i am kind of “standing on a hose” - like the Germans say.

I wold like to have a simple point cloud and send the XYZ coordinates of each point somewhere else via udp.

I am using the VVVV-Kinect-1.0 plug in.

a push in the right direction would be great!

Tanks, Friedrich

yea don’t do that ;]
320X240*3 values 30 fps via UDP you need 230400 opened ports and same amount of udp recivers to make it work hahahaha
just imagine patch with 230400 UDP recivers LOL

You could get the XYZ Information using the Depth Texture node included with the openni-plugin and Pipet (EX9.Texture) . You´ll have to create the XY point-grid by yourself, just have a look at the pipet help-patch. The pipet will output a spread of colors, put these into HSL (Color Split) then feed the Lightness output into a Map (Value), correctly mapped this will give you the depth (Z). Put together XY and Z using Vector (3d Join) and put them into NetSend (Network Value). Voilà.

Depending on the desired resolution you may run into performance problems, pipet needs a lot of resources.

The 230400 ports stuff is nonesense.

cool thx bjoren haven’t know that NetSend(Network Value) exists!

Thanks for tips so far!

for context: that is what i would like to do, but with mighty vvvv instead of processing. She is sending the data via udp too (a loooong coma separated string - i guess), but if there is a way to do it using less resources i would prefer it.

hope this works, this needs to be done by a shader, i need to learn how to do it,

pointcloudbasec4.v4p (40.2 kB)

guess only thing can help is cut-off unused points. think you will be ok on 1/3 of res

still on my pointcloud with pipet the z values are not rigth, the formula its out there, but i need to use the expression node ? i dont get it

@antokhio I could reduce the number of point in grasshopper.

All i need from vvvv is a bunch of points in space and a good way to send their coordinates to grasshopper. In grasshopper there is a tool which analyses the brightness of a still picture. Isn’t there something similar in vvvv: the brighter the pixel the higher the value? With that i could just put a matrix of points “over” the depth texture and evaluate the pixels under each point for its brightness. That value would be the Z-coordinate of that point. This would result in a very simple point cloud. <— strike that!

thats what Pipet (EX9.Texture) is for. thanks bjoern. i think i can take it from here. i will post my vvvv and grashopper solution when its done.

@ffffriedrich did you check the file that i uploaded ? "pointcloudbasec4.v4p

@andresc4, hi i’m very very amateur in the vvvv langage, and I download your “pointcloudbasec4.v4p” and when I open it in vvvv, I just have this ( look at the picture please), how I can see on the renderer the visions of my kinect v2?

My second question is how I can export the renderer in a sequence of .obj files to after import in a 3D software.

Thank for your answer and your future help.

wow this is a old reply!
this is the way to go kinect2-nodes

@andresc4 Hey! The link you posted here is dead, I’m looking to do something similar… What was the kinect2-nodes thing you mentioned?

There is two options, one is nodes in dx11 pack, the second one is VL.Kinect nuget (NuGet Gallery | Packages matching VL.Kinect), in your case i would look on VL one first…