Kinect node bugs

A couple of bugs I’ve found with Kinect nodes in 31.2 x86:

  • When using the /dx9ex command line switch, the Depth (Kinect OpenNI) node always returns a 320x240 texture; without the /dx9ex switch it returns 640x480.

  • The DX11 Kinect (Devices Microsoft) node returns FOV values that appear to be twice what they should be (Xtion on the left, Kinect on the right):

  • hm…had a quick look at the code and don’t see a reason for this behavior. independent of the dx9-mode the texturesize is taken from what the openni-api returns. if you want to debug this set a breakpoint to vvvv-sdk/vvvv45/addonpack/src/nodes/plugins/Devices/OpenNI/Depth.cs at develop · vvvv/vvvv-sdk · GitHub l107 and see whats going on there.

  • mskinect conveniently returns cycles while openni unconveniently returns radians. for details on radians and cycles see angles in 2d while you’re debugging you could also fix the openni fov to return cycles… and send us a pullrequest

I’ll see if I can delve into that first problem.

Concerning the FOV issue, the OpenNI node IS returning cycles. .1628 * 360 = 58, the correct horizontal FoV in degrees (about 1 radian). As the MS version is returning double that number, it is not radians, but looks like cycles*2; .325 cycles would be 117 degrees - I wish it had that wide a view! This is only an issue with the DX11 MS node.

true, i didn’t look correctly yesterday. openni already returns cycles correctly.

only it is a bit hard to keep track of dx11-versions at the moment. but i’d argue the latest code in the repository has all fovs correctly returned as cycles. so lets wait for an answer from @vux)) in your other posting ((/forum-alpha/alpha-and-dx11 so that we can then check the latest code.

Interesting observation on the 320x240 /dx9ex problem: when I open the device using my dynamic plugin with an external config XML file explicitly specifying 640x480, and pass the Context out to the Depth node the depth texture is in fact 640x480. So there’s something about the default OpenNI behavior under the /dx9ex environment that resorts to 320x240.

re FOV: just noticed that in your screenshot you are showing the Depth FOV of the ms-kinect node. i am not sure why it is that large but take the Color FOV and it more closely resembles the the other FOV.

ah, re FOV again. known problem, see: