Kinect Alpha 29.3 x86

Hi VVVVers.

Here I’m testing Kinect on vvvv a29.3 x86 With Microsoft SDK 1.6:

Main issue:

  • Face Tracker node is red and does’nt work (and sometimes throws an Exception).
  • outlet Kinect Status (a string I suppose) popup an empty Enumeration IObox.

I notice some new node:

  • World: It could be usefull for shading programming and also to recreate Art and code Calibrate Projector from Elliot Woods, but without OpenCV I guess is not really possible.

RGBDepth: What is this?

PS: It would be possible to have alpha in player texture?
PPS: How to convert L16 depth to a viewable texture format? (10.5 kB)