Is VVVV a good fit for this?

I’m interested in creating a multitouch surface for my photography studio. I will use the surface to proof prints with my clients. Very much like a light table.

I will need to be able to access a set of files over the network. Move them around on screen, zoom in and out, and drag them to a “keep” pile, or a “discard” pile. When complete the files to be kept will be copied to another folder for editing.

Does VVVV seem like a good fit? I’ve been reading the documentation, but I don’t see anything on filesystem operations.

Any advice is appreciated.


hi shobley.

vvvv has nodes for filesystem operations. have a look on the Node Reference By Category. you will find a Category FILE. Try these nodes.

and keep in mind you wont be able to load RAW files with filetexture.

OK, I’ve got a Dir node connected to a FileTexture node, and a DXRenderer way over to the right.

Now all I need to know is what do I connect the Texture out pin to so that I can view the file on the screen? I’ve tried a whole bunch of surface-like nodes, but none of them can take a texture.

I’m not sure that texture is what I want - I want a ‘bitmap’ of arbitrary size, and good quality for proofing.

Maybe there’s something for this in GDI…

use a quad and a renderer (ex9).


filetexture (select only one image for now)

also enable the size outlets on the file stream and connect to the aspect ratio node ->transform of the quad, to keep the files correctly aspected. You’ll also want to aspect ratio the renderer as well, but I’d just get it working before listening to my advice!


Cool, now I have a Dir → FileTexture → Quad → Renderer with a Mouse and Transform connected to the Quad to move it around.

How would I modify the structure to only move the image when the mouse button is down,

…and how would I make this work with multiple images (ie
create an arbitrary set of Quads + Transforms at run time)?


hi interesting project :)

How would I modify the structure to only move the image when the mouse button is down,

You can use the s+h (animation) node for that purpose. Connect the rendered mouse click out pins(left, right, middle) to the get input pin and the mouse position to the input pins of the s+h node.

and how would I make this work with multiple images (ie
create an arbitrary set of Quads + Transforms at run time)?

For that u don’t need to create several quads and transforms node. VVVV has a very powerfull feature call spreads. Just put a count node just after the dir node (it’ll give you the number of images in the directory) and then you can use linearspread, circularspread connect to the transform input pins.

|---------------- |
| |
filetextures count

Sorry if it isn’t clear i’m not at home right now and i can’t test within vvvv. If you need an example patch just let me know.


Thanks - I got the mouse click → Move working, but I’m having trouble with the count node I can’t connect the dir output to it.

(I’ve tried most of the count types)

Maybe posting an example would be good.


Here’s a simple exemple.

Very basic.
Smth a lot better can be done :)


shobleyExemple.v4p (12.2 kB)

hi guys i was doing a similar patch for a multitouch so i gave it a try ,but still not too good , it,s got some staff to be fixed , like that the picture selected should stays on top , or that the size remains untouch , after changing to other pic last size stick to the new pic , also a way to grow the spread automaticly , but anyway here it is , is that something similar to what you were looking for shobley ? cheers

PIC_DisplayS.rar (337.4 kB)