i tried to connect two webcams to vvvv. different ones with different drivers. in my first video in i can change between both webcams but in my second video in is nothing. i can choose the drivers but i see nothing. any idea?
that reminds me that i recently tried to use two video in nodes with one webcam. because of the matter that with Dshow9 you cannot feed two inlets from one outlet, i wanted to use two video in for different treatment with freeframe nodes. this wasn´t possible.
but when i wanted to use a Scope (Spread) and an FFT (Spread) simultaneous i could do this with two separate audio ins without any problems.
two different things:
since beta8.1 it should no longer be a problem to use more then one camera (even if they have the same driver!). the only reason for the second videoin giving no image i can think of could be insufficient system resources. does Renderer (TTY) say anything like that? (craete the tty before you create and connect the two videoins)
it is not possible to select the same camera in two different videoin-nodes. this is by bad design. ähm…with audioins this is different. yes.
but user kms once suggested http://www.splitcamera.com which sounds as it could be a work around to above mentioned design.
but user kms once suggested http://www.splitcamera.com which sounds as it could be a work around to above mentioned design.
yes, works for me!!
thanks for that link!
thank you now its workink. i made first the renderer (tty) and now it works.