IRC (Network Open) Crash When Sent < / > Characters

I’ve got the IRC node talking to the Twitch Chat when I livestream, sending and receiving well :D

But every time someone (or I) writes something including the “>” or “<” characters, VVVV crashes!

I believe IRC commands use these brackets to indicate sending up or down, so I can imagine this messes with the IRC network…

Any way to filter these characters out? Another approach perhaps?

Thanks as always :D

trying to reproduce this i open the helppatch of IRC (Network Open) in beta39 x86 which connects to #vvvv on freenode. and there i can send and received “<>” without any issue.

can you show us how you’re using it to get this problem?

From what I understand, Twitch’s chat is a modified IRC. Some have called it “a monstrosity” :P

Turning on the “Show Codes” pin has resolved this issue :D

Apologies about the distraction, I should have messed around with it some more first :P

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