Beta9 and Beta9.1swimming:
reducing the row- or columncount by rightclick-n-drag in the inspector causes vvvv to kcrash
is reproducable
i am pretty sure that this wasn’t till 8.1
Beta9 and Beta9.1swimming:
reducing the row- or columncount by rightclick-n-drag in the inspector causes vvvv to kcrash
is reproducable
i am pretty sure that this wasn’t till 8.1
Have the same problemm!!
I made an IOBox, set it to 5 rows, and changed it to ColsRowsPages.
No using CTRL-C and CTRL-V I made a copy off this box
Now I change the 5 rows to another value by left clicking on it, and change it to 3.
And than VVVV sometimes just Quits…
mea culpa.
Babelfish: fault pisses ;)
Well, like Kalle said, it only crashes when you LOWER the collums/rows.
But if I set slice/count mode to INPUT, it doesn’t… but then I can’t change it back without crahing (hope it helps)
what do you mean beta9.1? is that available already?
beta9.1swimming is a funny word for out internal alpha9.1
9.2 does very strange things, when using iobox as slider.
try to change parameters from those ioboxes in the helpfile!
(btw.: beta9.1swimming was “finewording” by joreg…)