Hello everybody,
I’m new to the forum and just wanted to say Hi and tell a bit about myself. As a kid, I taught myself JavaScript in Internet Explorer 4 and created lots of annoying animations and interactive distractions. In 2003 I started studying computer science at the university and I learned object-oriented programming in a side job at a computer graphics institute. In the same year, i also started editing around in music visualization presets in Milkdrop for Winamp, which became my basis for learning to write reactive DX9/HLSL pixelshaders in the year 2007. At the university, I picked the software-engineering major and I got chased through all around UML metamodelling, object-oriented design patterns, and model-driven architecture. I’m also very much into artificial intelligence and continuous simulations, from formal system modelling to bringing it to the GPU. I think I have a broad and deep understanding of computing, and I’m really a visual guy.
I’ve graduated with a diploma in 2010. Today, I’m looking back on over ten years of Java development, 3 years deep into C# (metaprogramming abstract generic object trees), and a couple of years of object-oriented PHP too. I’m writing JavaScript again since the inception of WebGL in 2010, which i use mainly for a GPGPU shader boilerplate though. ;) In my spare time, I’ve programmed a wrapper around the Kinect SDK 2.0 in C# to host a WebSocket server and a Javascript client to dance with your skeletal tracking data in web pages. Since three years, I work for a biomedical imaging company. We deal with really large volumetric images, visualizing and analyzing Gigabytes of voxel data and stuff.
So, i hope you see why I’m struggling to make a proposal for a possible workshop topic. I’ve got just too plenty tricks to show off. sorry about that. (: I’m planning to be around the NODE17 for the whole week. Let’s hang out and chat. And please, feel free to peer-pressure me into giving insights into any of the topics above in a formal workshop like manner or whatever. I could offer as well to just set up an art installation with reaction-diffusion fluid simulation with the Kinect.
I’d have applied to this prior if my 4 years old XMG notebook’s graphics chip would not had died earlier this year. I had a Radeon 7970M which was super fast for the time being, but it is no more. I’ve sent it in for repair over 4 weeks ago, but the Nvidia GTX 970M which they offered me as a replacement is just not available. Now they made me another offer for a GTX 980M that is available right now, but for 900€ and I’m struggling. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I’ve set myself a limit to wait for the cheaper one until the end of May, but I’m gonna bite the bullet and buy the GTX 980M in a week else.
I’m so hyped to come and meet you all.