hi @ all
im traying to interlace a realtime picture from a webcam…
i want to see just the upper or odd field in my render window…
i can just find threads about deinterlacing…
thanks for answering…
hi @ all
im traying to interlace a realtime picture from a webcam…
i want to see just the upper or odd field in my render window…
i can just find threads about deinterlacing…
thanks for answering…
huh, are you sure your webcam actually has two fields? i only now of analog video that consists of two fields. can you elaborate on what your actual goal is?
the video format of the cam is 320 x 240. know i want to have just the odd or upper pixel lines, frame per frame…
my aim is to combine two cameras to a 3d picture…
if i take the odd pixel lines of the first frame and combine them with the upper pixel lines of the second frame from the other camera i should get a 3d picture…
thats the plan =P
you should be able to realize that effect using a custom effect. start from the Template (EX9.Effect). give it 2 texture inputs and you’ll also need a Texture Height input (initialized to 240 for your case).
then in the pixelshader using the incomming texture coordinate and the reciprocal textureHeight value you can find out in which pixel-line the shader is operating. use this information to choose to sample one or the other texture-input.
but still this won’t give you a 3d image, right? you need a special device that can display your now stereo-interlaced image to your left and right eye separately. what are you using to view that image?