Interactive Book

This is a test that was succesfull on sending aribitrary values from flash to vvvv but with actionscript 2.0

with the wave gesture the button1 is activated

with raisehand gesture the button2…

Change of plans…I made a new game in actionscript 2.0 because it works better. I made a puzzle game in which there are 4 pieces and you have to bring them together to complete the puzzle…of course is not the final form of the game but it’s for testing with Kinect…

I managed to set variables and get reactions from kinect…When I “wave” the img_1 button goes to 1.000 when I “RaiseHand” img_2 button goes to 1.000…

my problem is that I don’t know how to control the puzzle pieces(img_1 and img_2)

I’ve attached my patch and you can check it if you like, I’ve also attached a screenshot of the patch if by any case the vvvv patch is not working…

I think the problem is that I set the variables that kinect is going to control but I didn’t said to the pin " Get wich variable" witch variable it has to get…and also I think I have to do something with the “return value” pin…Is this right?

Thanks for your help…

Vasilis.rar (134.2 kB)

Guys I’m stuck…Can someone take a look on my patch or advice me with the next step please?

I can’t find a way to make the puzzle moving…but I see the reaction when I do the gestures…


try this…

Vasilis1.rar (141.4 kB)

@Danielmach: First of all thank you for your reply…

If I got it right, this is how you approach this project from vvvv view and not from flash to vvvv…It works really good…

I liked the “mouse” thing…Ι think I’ll have to review the development of my project…

If anyone has any tip for the flash patch…I’m all ears…


Hi everyone…I will post tomorrow the progress of my project but first I want to ask something…Can I have the Kinect to work at the same time with a webcam? because I’ve tried it and only one of the two works…I’m sure there is a way but I don’t know how.


So I’ve changed my initial plan which was to create the game in flash and then import it to VVVV and I used the patch that @dannielmach send me to create my game in VVVV. I’ve manage to make the game working properly on a book and to use the pages of the book as a touchscreen. Now some issues that I found in my way is:

  1. The kinect is placed in front of the book so it can track the y axis of my hand. When my hand reaches at a certain point(which is the surface of the page) the buttons will be activate. The problem in this situation is that I need another one camera to read the fiducial mark on the page. In order to do that the second camera needs to be placed on top of the book. That’s not the problem the problem I mentioned on my previous comment is that VVVV doesn’t led me to use two external cameras at the same time but it led’s me to use the build in camera of my laptop. I think the problem has to be with the usb slots…I’ve read somewhere that Kinect uses a lot of the usb power.

  2. When I open my patch in VVVV it can’t recognize Kinect and I have to copy my patch and re-open VVVV as an administrator and paste my patch there to make it work properly. I’ve also tried to first open VVVV as an administrator and drag my patch there but is not working…It’s not a big issue for my project is just a functionally thing that I have to deal every time I use VVVV and Kinect.

That’s it for now. The main issue has been solved which is to make the book to work as a touch screen using kinect now is the details that will make the project better.

This is how it looks inside VVVV…at the end the circle will be invisible for aesthetic reasons.


Hi everyone!!

I’ve finished my project finally…take a look and tell me your opinion…

Thanks to everyone you really helped me a lot on this project…