I need a suggestion.
in the attached patch, do I succeed in interacting with the spheres with an alone point (a sphere moved by the mouse), as can I interact with the spheres with more points, or with different forms, for example with a block contour or camshifttracker or colortracker?
thanks to everybody.
sfera con mouse.v4p (94.7 kB)
I will be very happy knowing how to do that too :D
is this a question about spreading?
note that you dont need to create three sphere nodes in your example. you can do that with one node which gets the data for all three instances. with this technique it will also be quite simple to connect that to the output of the contour. refer to the spreading section of the manual…
thanks thousand for the answers, don’t understand well unfortunately the English.
do you say that in my example I could use an alone nodes sphere and not three but to have the same three independent spheres?
with which node?
in the section spreads there are so many possibilities.
the other problem is to make to move the spheres, not with another sphere 3d, but with a nodes of the freeframe plugin, also not using an environment 3d but objects 2d.