I bought a new laptop ( thinkpad T15g) and I trying to install VVVV but when I download the files into the installer, at the end the program said download fail 404 error,I disabled the firewall but nothing changes. I tried also with the offline installer, same result.
Do you have any solutions ? It’s a recurrent problem ?
Sorry for my english…I’m French…
The online installer is unable to find the dx9 setup on Microsoft’s website because it was removed.
Please try the offline installer which should already come with the dx9 package.
If this also does not work for you let the devs know : https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/web-installer-error-404-file-not-found/19160/3
hello, we are aware of this problem and a fix will be released soon. stay tuned. for now, the safest method is to download the .zip and extract it somewhere. the offline installer seems to have a problem with the dx9 installer as well. but if you have dx9 already installed, the offline installer works fine.