Welcome SonicViz,
I am not aware of any problems on our side at this time. As my current name sugests I cannot replicate your problem. Most likely your confirmation mail has been trapped in a spam filter on the way?
What login name were you using? - cannot see any pending new users for now in the users list…
by the way, I’ll move this thread into the “tiki wiki vvvviki” forum when you have answered. That’s where this kind of problem belongs.-
Hi Max.
hmmm…tried using IE this time and a hot mail account and I got the rego email straight away.
Maybe your mailserver was rejecting my original domain email, as I received no anti-spam message? Does not seem to have a problem with anyone else, far as I can see.
There should be sonicviz, sonicviz1,sonicivz2 rego attempts on your db.
Could you kill them, or reset sonicviz to the details this id (ie: email)?