One Sentence: Whats happening in your workshop?
Learn how to use a set of new vvvv plugins, the d.o.p.e. pack, incl.:
- Triangle: generate triangulated 2D surfaces
- TetGen: generate triangulated surfaces/tetrahedralized volumes of 3D objects
- d.o.p.e.: compute auto-magic rigging of meshes produced with Triangle/TetGen (or similar) in order to shape/animate/deform them using points, bones or cages (aka linear blend skinning).
What 3 tags describe your workshop?
mesh creation, mesh deformation, blend skinning
In which of the three categories does your workshop fall: beginner, intermediate, advanced
How long will your workshop be?
(Standard formats are 3h or 2x 3h, but other formats may be possible)
2x2-3h: First half will cover Triangle (2D mesh creation) and an introduction to d.o.p.e, second half will cover Tetgen (3D mesh creation) and advanced d.o.p.e. use cases
Who is the target audience of your workshop?
Triangle, Tetgen and d.o.p.e. can help solve problems in a wide variety of situations when dealing with 2D or 3D meshes and are intended to be useful for a majority of vvvv users
What knowledge do you presume your participants have?
Solid patching; basic understanding of meshes and shaders. Workshop will almost fully be DX11, however, differences to DX9 are minimal and will be explained; no special DX11 knowledge required.
What will attendees of your workshop learn?
Almost anything we know about Triangle, Tetgen and d.o.p.e. and how/when you can use them, including (character) animation, modelling, mapping, etc… plus everything we learn at the workshop itself!
What technical requirements does your workshop have (apart from internet and a projector)?
e.g. special hardware, software, graphiccards, materials, dancers/performers
Who would be the two hosts?
Christoph Schmid, user @knaif
Clemens Gürtler, user @digitalwannabe
How would the hosts qualify for the topic? (Describe and add links to portfolio website, github, vimeo,… accounts)
Creators of vvvv plugins Triangle, Tetgen and d.o.p.e.
Working in a team as lichterloh, (unfortunately) best known for bad documentation of our work
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