Hi all, im new here, i have been using VVVV for almos 1 year, i still have a lot to learn, so place be patient :P
im using vvvv fore live visuals, and i woul like to add more 3dobjetcs, but im not able to load more than one x files on the same pach!
i leave a example, please tell me what im doing wrong
i would love to swich between x files, but seems that the swich node its not a goot opcion, any alternatives ?
( im using a mod camera patch, so probably it wont load the camera )
I’ve had problems with xfile switching, I seem to remember that I had to preload them, attach them to a constant.fx as well as the switch and scale it to 0, this means that on opening the xfile should be loaded but not affect renderering as its scaled to 0. You should then be able to switch files.
Does that work for you?
hey catweasel, beat me with your post while I was writing solution. Two different interpretations eh. can be read either way. I didn’t notice the bit about switching. I just noticed…
I m using vvvv fore live visuals, and i woul like to add more 3dobjetcs, but im not able to load more than one x files on the same pach!
an xFile can only be loaded/evaluated when it is connected with the whole shader graph.
so only that XFile (EX9.Geometry Load) which is momentary selected by the switch has the chance to be evaluated.
as a workaround use 3 shaders switch by enabling the shaders.
second example uses a subpatch to wrap the shader.
catweasel: tnks for the reply, but i dont know nothing about shaders yet ( yeah im a f. newbie :P ), but tnks for the reply!
xd_nitro you patch work great, i was tryng to switch to avoid having more cpu load on the same compsopition, but if the grounddirectional are on only one at the time shoud be the same, it work great!
and kale your zzzzup was already added to my favorites :)
another question, let say that i need to load another xfile, o another texture , or another patch, and i forgot to open it, when i get the Windows Open box to seatch for a file, the render stops, still no solucion for this one righ ?
then i will show you some think like this with xfiles
i try the open plig in, it works real well,
this shoud be on the wishlist of ver 21 / 22
bilderbuchi can you post your enumeration? it coud be very useful when you need to swich over a few files only!
i agree with kalle, that’s what i meant with “buggy”. although, for me it has worked quite well so far, if you ignore the quite obvious ghost entries in the enum.
see my patches page, there’s also a link to the original thread discussing the issues: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=bilderbuchi+patches
beware, you may experience bad things. you have been warned. ;-)
btw i never saw anything about vux’s plugin… there should be some list/repository/plugin announcement table (a la user shaders maybe?)…
kalle your tini zzzup was a great help
i made a few changes,
i model a lemming walking in 3dmax ( 8 frames )
but i dont want to use textures, and i want to play with the diferent colors, so i need 24 x files…
so i need to call 24 xfles and they need to apear and disapear in 8 groups of 3 , but i want to change colors and transform 8 of them in groups of 3 also, so i use your patch to make like a matrix .
i add a render in pin, inside the patch its a group that add the xfile to the previus render, and a transform in , tranform out,