hi all!
i’m working on a multitouch-app using vvvv. during my research i found robi_h’s plugin HitTester2D. thanks for sharing btw!
as i’m new to vvvv (but already fell in love), i don’t understand the functionality of the input-/output-pins in detail. has someone already worked with this and could explain them to me?
here is what i already found out (but not sure about correctness):
input: FingerXY
input: Finger Radius
input: Rotation Object
→ ??? -
input: ScaleY Object
→ ??? -
input: ObjectXY
→ XY-coordinates of checkable object -
input: Circular Mode
→ ??? -
output: List of all objects, outputs how many fingers are on the object
output: outputs objects which are intersected
→ ID of intersected object ??? -
output: outputs fingerID which is intersecting an object
→ ??? -
output: outputs list of all fingers with intersection count (for overlay checking)
→ ???
thanks in advance!!