Two things regarding the help-browser (tested with 0193):
When Gamma execution is paused (e.g. due to an exception) it also pauses the help browser. While this might make sense application-wise, it kind of feels broken (like the application froze due to a crash). To newbies, it might not be clear immediately that “pause” is a deliberate state. But since the pause-button is in a different window (and not very prominent imho) this is not obvious.
I’d argue to keep the help browser responsive even in “paused” state.
Help-Browser window in background:
When having gamma in the background (i.e. another windows application is in focus) and bringing it to front, the help-browser does not come with it. Even worse - when hitting F1 (when patch window is in foreground but help browser is in background), nothing happens - as if the help-browser does not exist.
That does not feel right to me → the browser should come to the foreground with the patch window (or at least come to foreground by hitting F1 again)