I have a pc with:
windows xp(32bit)
Intel I7
ati radeon shapphire HD5770 vaporX
I try to run vvvv (fovball patch) and it works too slow
in my other machine(window32bit, core 2duo6600) works great!
there is some problem with core I7? or with the configuration xp32-I7
thank you in advance for suggestions…
there will be very appreciated
In the task manager I can see I7 works only one core around 100%,
the other arround 1%
it is normal?
enyone have same problem?
please help me…
thank you
Afaik vvvv is a mono-core application so I d have a look at some other source for the issue.
Are the ATI drivers correctly installed ?
Have you run vvvv at least once as admin ?
Is you machine working smoothly with other graphic intensive applications?
please check if it makes a difference if on MainLoop (VVVV) via Inspektor you enable Increase Timing Precision.