you know that: you managed to clean up all the nodes and wires so that the patch is really readable. but: the the order of the defined io boxes doesnt match with the order you like to have for the inlets and outles of the subpatch. now you have to rearange those ioboxes and you have wires throuought your patch again. would be cool if theres another way to define the order of the inlets and outlets… at the moment i dont have a good simple idea for doing this. maybe someone else?
ah just got an idea… you see all inlets and outlets in the inspector… what if they can be reordered there just by draging them around in the list?
but isnt the order of the pins defined by the x position of the IOBoxes in the patch? just move these around and see the connections in the parent twist accordingly…
I think the point is he has got the X-positions set so that the patch looks pretty and doesn’t want to change them. He wants to override the “x-position” rule.
“He wants to override the “x-position” rule.”
exactly, in patches with lots of inlets and outlets that would be a cool feature. its hard enough to keep a patch readable. and usualy patch from “top to bottom” in bigger patches so you have wires all over the place if you have to place io boxes one after another to keep the right order from the outside.
the only solution I have found for this problem is to put the tidy subpatch into another subpatch and create the connection-mess there here. Thus the topmost patch has the pins in the desired order…
mh ampop that will do it for sure, but it needs time to do and makes the whole patchstructure more complicated. i need a lot of time to just do a clean, readable patch and there could be a few tools to speed up this process…
but this is just a luxury feature, i know the vvvv-uncles have a lot to do…