GUI drawing graphs - OSC sequencer

I would like to draw nice 2D graphs to use as parameter envelopes for a OSC sequencer.
Do you have any resources in mind wich could be helpfull in doing so.
For now i draw a line by manipulating y position of a vertex in a line with the mouse. It’s working but there is the problem of index selection of the vertices if the mouse moves too fast (see in patch).

I want to combine drawing with drag and drop manipulation like in this picture.

I also could use an idea of how to smooth the drawed curve.

And how could i implement undo and redo in this sequencer?

Cheers :)

DrawEnvelopeCurves.rar (32.1 kB)

Your project looks interesting. keep us posted!

Take a look at woeis splinesgpu. They already provide many of the interpolation modes , which you would have to resemble mathematically for your values / sampleposition. And you can control them with minimal spreadcounts.

Undo-Redo … Try saving your values into vvvv XML via setpatch so you can use v4s built-in undo. At least in the patch then.

Request for remote controlled undo-redo per patch is pending.



timeliner is not what im looking for :) the idea is more to have an performative approach on sequencing. and also make it dependend from external timing like from ableton and to have touch editing…

i won’t come around GPU splines, okey… thanks eno for the hints, also for setpatch which i didnt know…

I think if timeliner was better integrated, ie set patch actually updated the plugin, it could be a solution, but it would need better curves too…
really, what would be good is something like this

Maybe Elliots latest ventures may make this a possibilty?

Okey I enden up patching a spreadable sequencer with variable resolution and control points and the possibility to change presets!

It has some bugs which some of you definately came across already. nothing too complicated. just the regular gui patching problems, but i dont have so much time to fix this right now.

problems are:

  • each x point should not be allowed to be smaller then any of the previous points

  • mouse drag and drop is a bit alocated because of some transform isue

  • it is realy good spreadable in y, but has some problems with spreading in x direction

  • for a quick demonstration I made the sequencing slice-dependend, which is stupid. it should check which y is assigned to a x and continously cycle up the x without going back.

If some one could join up making this contribution a good one, it would be amazing!

I also want to implement all kind of presampled waveforms, notes etc and have already a bunch of m4l devices running with this stuff.

sequencer.rar (8.8 kB)

  • it should check which y is assigned to a x and continously cycle up the x without going back.

sounds so simple but actually it is not. I mean you cant check with = and select, it is not precise in any case and gets jumpy that way.

any ideas?

As much as I’m unable to contribute to the fixes, I’m keen on implementing the final result. So, keep up the good work!