Grouping spreads of value buffers without reading back?

Please find attached
thanks a lot

no cons dynamic buffer.v4p (13.6 KB)

I think you can just use Cons (DX11.Buffer)? It works for all the Structured Buffer types

True @everyoneishappy but what I get from Cons (DX11.buffer) is a spread of those buffers. I would need just one list of values collected in just one spread. Makes sense?
Btw thanks forever for Instance Noodles!

Ah I see yes ok. I think to do this as you want would be best done as a plugin that takes a spread of buffers and joins them in to a single one. There is Zip (Value Buffer) in noodles already though, which will work with two at a time. Just set the binsize to the whole input size if you want cons-like behavior.

And most welcome :)

@everyoneishappy That’s working with this workaround, right? Thanks 1000 cons dynamic buffer.v4p (23.9 KB)

@ddf E pe’ chesto adda allucca’

Genau o fra’

Nun aggio capito: Genau che vo’ dicere? Si tuorno a Napule, t’‘o faccio sape’. Me facisse piacere e te ‘ncuntra’.

Ultra off topic:
Genau vo dicere “esattamente” a Francoforte. Nu stonc a casa mia. Fui emigrante. Mo a Bologna. E tu addo staje fratacchió?

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Toscana, dalle parti di Arezzo.

Azzo! E allora che ne dici di pm davidedifranco(at)gmail(dot).com
Ci becchiamo?

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