I am working on a panoramic screen setup, using GridEditor(Sandwich). I’ve connected the PointsOut to PointsIn and the Points move on my clients if i try to adjust them, but the underlying mesh isn’t transforming, althoug it is transforming on my local render window, very strange.
probably the patch helps to see what the problem is, find it attached. Couldn’t Boygroup it as i am not on the System today. Basically everything right from the Boygroup Setup is Boygrouped.
I made up a Mini-Boygroup for testing the GridEdito / PointEditor Sandwich and also the Help Patch seems to not working correctly in Beta31.2, the Grid Points are upgraded on the client but not the underlying mesh… It feels like a bug, as for my understanding it should work. I feel kind of stupid not getting this to work.
it is important that the positions are processed on the server: reacting on the server’s keyboard and mouse. you can ensure this by having those + nodes only on the server. therefore you shouldn’t boygroup the whole patch nor the nodes themselves. (they should appear grey)
also see this help patch:
PointEditor (3d Persistent Sandwich) help.v4p
thank you for your reply, I got that i should keep the “+” - Nodes on the server, so if you look at the Patch above i only Boygrouped everything on the right side of the “+” nodes, all the nodes on the first collumn of my patch are “server only”
I also tried the PointEditor (3d Presistent Sandwich) help.v4p patch in my boygroup, by just adding a boygroup server node, and leaving the rest as it is. It is behaving as the GridEditor, I can edit the Points on the server, they are also updatetd on the client. The Mesh is deforming on the server I can see it clear in the Renderer, but it is not deforming at the client. it seems to that the PointEditor is not using the edited Mesh, if it is feeded back via the “+” node. Is there anything I am missing? I read the Boygrouping Help in the wiki, there is stated that it is not possible to get the values from the client back on the server. I also tried to keep the GridEditor Nodes on the server only sending the Mesh to the clients, also this is not doing anything. It seems to that the Mesh Data is not arriving on the client.
Those new patches are partly boygrouped and ready to use. Point clouds are saved & editor on the server. Please tell me if that is what you typically need.