@m9dfukc: actually this is grid stitching (if i understand you right) you just have to specify the columns because the rows result automatically by filecount/columns.
@woei: I tested your TileStitcher plugin but it only works sometimes and it worked never for more than 16 files (a 4096x4096) :( … ah and you should implement something like progress information. … how does your plugin work, is it limited by system memory?
anyway, if the errors are fixed I think it would be nice to bundle that with Writer(EX9.Texture Grid) from Ampop :)
… I’m sorry that I can’t give you some more information but tty trows no errors!
i agree that the imagemagick documentation is a brick wall. the magick line to do this is something like
convert -append img0.jpg img1.jpg … imgN.jpg row0.jpg
for every row of images, then
convert +append row0.jpg row1.jpg … rowN.jpg output.jpg
for the final image.
you can automate that pretty easy in vvvv and push it out the ShellExecute (Windows) node. doing anything by hand while sitting in front of a computer means you’re doing it wrong ;)