I’m a french guy from Montpellier, so pardon my english but my dutch is worse… I’ve discovered VVVV since a month ago now and i can’t tell how it’s exciting…(Thanks to Sanch’s videos and website!)Everything i need to practice VJing is here and so much more… I don’t know lot of things about programming but this soft force me to do in an intuitive way.Great…
I’ve seen MESO and 3DELUXE works and i think it’s perfect.
At first i’m a musician(playing Reaktor, Kontakt, Renoise) but since a year i’m practicing real time mixing videos for musical parties (Resolume for example).Now i can do much more. I think my sleeping hours are reducing to minimum but how exciting is performing VVVV.Thanks again to the all staff (in particular all patches and modules by Sanch, Joreg, Tonfilm,Sven, Elektromeier etc.)
Now questions (it’s just a start on the vvvvorums so others will follow and my first screen shots)
How to change the texture on a primitive(like sphere or box) For example i have 10 textures (0 to 9)and i want the cube to show them one after another?
And how to texture each different side of a box with different textures?
Where to find a VJ GUi interface? i tried the MK2 but the output seems broken.
How to change the texture on a primitive(like sphere or box) For example i have 10 textures (0 to 9)and i want the cube to show them one after another?
for example with switch (node input) or with getSlice (node) you can pick between a number of preloaded textures either from a bunch of nodes or from a spread of textures.
And how to texture each different side of a box with different textures?
make the box from a spread of quads for example. - see /girlpower/matrjoschka.v4p
Where to find a VJ GUi interface? i tried the MK2 but the output seems broken.
Where to find a VJ interface? i tried the Awkward-o-tron MK10 but the output seems broken.
ANd how to switch in live performance between different patches I’ve tried subpatching but in my way (possible the wrong one) i can’t mix differents renders. The outpout node must be placed before rendering… IT’S GOOD for creating complexe imagery in the same render but no way to open it in the same window and switching… Maybe a trick with blending i imagine but is there another way?
To put a different texture on each face of a cube you have to draw each face as a Quad (or EX9 Grid) with its own texture. (I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong here)
I have make a dx9 gui module , you can download it here http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=sanch+modules
With that module you can build your own interface .
I´m from Perpignan , i will be there from the 20 december to the 7 of january , if you like to meet around a beer , feel free to send me an email if you have any question about v4 and we can talk french.