I’ve been trying to get freeframe to work with the asvideo node, and after checking various threads here and some help from a friend I figured it out. But…
now I want to make a switch so I can select different freeframe effects on the video (like a vj tool), but there’s a problem.
I use the Asvideo as input for the freeframe, and then the output of the freeframe to a vid texture onto a quad, into the renderer. This works.
But the Asvideo only has one output so I can’t link it to multiple Freeframe effects and switch with the switch node.
how is the performance if you are using one AsVideo node for every freeframe effect? never tried that… and: AsVideo in general will never be very fast. some freeframe effects can be made faster with shaders.
I know, but haven’t really got the time to dive into the shader technique. It’s planned for the future though ;)
Gonna check the performance right now if I do it like that. Does vvvv render only the output or also the asvideo nodes that are not connected to the renderer (prevented by a switch for example ?)
thx for the fast reply btw, got my final oexam of my study monday, and this is part of it :)
@joreg: Can’t do this, because I’m working on an audiovisual instrument and their enable pins are used for triggering the effects via midi from the audio sequencer. Might try it with wet/dry but then I can only use effects that have that pin.
Gonna try it though.