
i’m wondering if its possible to compare the pixels of two frames with a pixelshader. sort of a shaderversion of framedifference…any hint?

2 texture variable and a wait command…mmmm…dunno where to start

thats easy, make a shader with two texture inputs. at the first input is your current frame, at the second the last frame (use a Queue (EX9.Texture) for delay).


right, got the difference of the two textures, queue node is a good hint…just thought there might be a shader function/trick like queue

float4 difference(vs2ps In): COLOR
float4 Reference = tex2D(Samp2, In.TexCd);
float4 Subtrahend = tex2D(Samp, In.TexCd);
float4 Difference = (Reference-Subtrahend);

return Difference;

ok difference doesn’t work. the result is just plain black although multiplication has an effect. what is the missing bit?

its the alpha channel i think, its one in most cases so you subtract 1 by 1 = 0, try:

float4 difference(vs2ps In): COLOR
float4 Reference = tex2D(Samp2, In.TexCd);
float4 Subtrahend = tex2D(Samp, In.TexCd);
Reference.rgb -= Subtrahend.rgb;

return Reference;

works like a charm…

thanks mr. tonfilm :)

yea !
just to explain the a -= b sign, it means a = a - b. there are:

a += b
a -= b
a *= b
a /= b

yeah i understood that bit… like in c or java

ah, so its for some other readers ;)

hehe…i didn’t want to be cocky ;)

another general question: is it possible to analyze pixels and translate the values to position (3D) data with a shader…like the typical pipet technique?

because when looking at the order vertexshader → pixelshader… it seems like impossible or am i wrong?

the only thing you can get out of a pixelshader is a texture (if you draw it in a renderer and use a DX9Texture node). and there comes pipet again, or you have a card with shader model 3.0 to be able to do texture lookups in the vertex shader.

… and, what about freeframe ? there is a AsVideo (EX9.Texture) node !

shader 3.0 …aha…good to know…

i’m not really tackling a problem…just tried to think of an alternative of pipet in order to save performance… but it’s just some nerdy thing.

the framedifference thing is well cool…don’t need to touch buggy trautner again ;)

Texture lookups in the vertex shader doesn´t work now in v4 ,
maybe in the next release…

this was going to be my next question, master sanch